Hey, wanna make a Canvas Rider database instead of Fr2?
Well right now, I just searched on Google Goo-Goo and Trackmill experts are trying to clone CR.
This is what someone said:
So pretty much, I've found this code in the decrypted CR code:
if (location.href.substr(0, 22) != "http://canvasrider.com") {
location.href = "http://canvasrider.com";
If we delete this, it won't redirect if the script is on another site.
But there is a part of the code where I am stuck:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest;
request.open("POST", "js/load.php", false);
request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
request.send("track=" + this.ID);
var Cv = request.responseText;
I'm pretty sure it gets the variable of the track code via
http://www.canvasrider.com/js/load.php using POST but I am stuck there...
If I can get past this, I'm pretty sure we can clone Canvas Rider.
I just found it, and I'm no techno guy, I just thought this would be a start... Don't get me involved, alright? DON'T GET ME INVOLVED.